Chances are you’ve probably heard of this cycling studio. They basically pioneered the concept of an indoor stationary bike and have grown domestically and internationally. With locations all around the world, they have definitely made a name for themselves all throughout the fitness industry.
I always wanted to try it when I first moved to the city. Basically every mom and working girl is a die hard, monthly member of this place. But I was so intimidated and refused to go by myself. Until one day, I just decided I was going to book a class and just go for it.
Let me tell you… I am so glad I took the leap and went for it! I now knew why everyone was so obsessed with it and became automatically hooked. Like going two to three times a week hooked. But the truth is, there are some things I wish I knew before hand that would have made the whole process a lot easier.
So if it is your first time, you’re always going to be greeted by the receptionist and at times you’ll find your instructor there as well. There is going to be a list where you can fill out your name and some other information about the class. The receptionist will then ask for your shoe size, if you do not have cycling shoes( yes, you do need them). Only catch is that on top of your $30-$45 class they charge you an extra $3 for the rental of the shoes (at least that is the price in NY).
You will then head to the back where they have both huge restrooms for both men and women that have showers, and toiletries such as hair spray, dry shampoo, blow dryers and much more. Before class starts you can put your things in one of the many lockers they have, you even have the option to rent one out permanently( it’s a great option if you go religiously).
Now, they will usually let you into the room between 5-7 minutes before the class is scheduled to start. It gives everyone a chance to get settled in, fix their bikes and start warming up. If you need more help trying to locate your bike, they put up a map right before you enter the room or I recommend downloading the Soul Cycle app on your phone and you can view it there as well.
Okay, so now you’re in the room with your bike located. The next part can be a bit intimidating for some as it was for me. Trying to measure your bike for it to fit your physique is a mission in itself., I’ve watched all the videos on their website, Youtube, and even attempted for myself to try it out with their mock bike that they have in the waiting area. Truth is, you probably won’t get it your first few times. But not to worry! They have some employees going around the room and will fix the bike for you in less than two minutes.
After your bike is all set up and you are all hooked up, you’ll find a fresh white towel and a water bottle holder for your usage. Then the instructor will usually hop on the mic and introduce themselves. Sometimes they’ll have another cyclist in front of the room with them demonstrating every move so they are able to moderate the class.
Each instructor and class is different so it’s best to try a few out and find one that you enjoy. You’ll usually get two types of instructors. Those that LOVE doing majority bike movements. Then others that incorporate an equal amount of traditional bike exercises with weights and towel movements (yes I said towel).
Towards the end, they will usually have a cool down and a stretch. It is just to get your heart rate back to normal and then you are done!
Whatever the case maybe, you’ll get an average of a 45 minute to an hour class (depending which you choose) that will have your heart racing and have you drenched in sweat unlike any other workout you have ever tried. If you are ever looking for a way to spruce up your cardio work out that you are dreading, indoor cycling is worth you checking out. With the encouraging words of the instructor telling you that you can make it and their life advice, you’ll be sure to see a few tears rolling down some cheeks.
After being an active Soul Cycle member for about a year now, I can honestly say there are a few tips and tricks that I have picked up that I find useful whenever I am going into the studio. If you are planning on taking a class be sure to keep these key tips in mind!
So this “tip” dawned on me about a month into my SoulCycle career. First, because I would love taking the first class of the day, like many working professionals. We will always bring in our work clothes so we were able to shower and change. Well with so many people taking a shower at a time, for sanitary reasons it is a lot better to purchase a cheap pair of plastic sandals that you can throw into your gym bag and wear just for shower. Additionally, if I am taking an afternoon class or am not going to shower I always like to let my feet breathe after class so the sandals come in handy often.
Now I am not kidding when I say you will come out absolutely drenched after taking a class. They usually provide one towel for you on your bike. But grab an additional one because you never know if you might need another. I like to use one towel to cover up the handle bars so your sweat is not getting on the bike, if you see people do this, you know they’ve been coming to Soul for a while. Then the other you can use to wipe off sweat on your face (or underarms) and if the instructor is incorporating arm workouts with the towel.
This seems like a pretty obvious tip but trust me sometimes it goes over my head! I have forgotten my water bottle many times and end up paying so much for a bottle in the studio. So either buy a hydro-flask or any other type of container that will keep your drink cold. Do not worry they have fill up stations if you ever run out or need some for your protein shake. If you ever forget, stop at any convenience store, it will definitely save you a few dollars.
These shoes are definitely an investment piece but a definite game changer! They can range anywhere between the $100-$300, depending on which ones you want. I recommend doing your research first and find a shoe that is going to be compatible with many other bikes. If you ever go to another cycling studio you want to be able to take those expensive shoes with you! Second piece of advice is to wait until Soul Cycle has their annual sale. I believe it happens mainly during the summer time and they usually discount their cycling shoes A LOT. Around 100 bucks, but you have to be on top of the sale since these items sell out ASAP. Quick tip: If you are brand new, then you do not have to buy the shoes just yet!
Another tip you might think is obvious but people forget is BE ON TIME! If it is your first time you do not want to be late or rushing to try to learn everything quickly. But every time after, you should aim for around 15 to 20 minutes early. Mainly being that you are able to get a big locker. If you are bringing a few items with you, you’re going to need a place to put all your stuff. The last thing you want to do is shove all your items in a preschool sized cubby. Also, getting there early gives you the chance to change your bike to a different spot in the class.
With so many fitness classes available today, it can be a bit overwhelming to find a place that suits you. Especially, if you are trying out something new. I know we all want to be fit and healthy, but at times the traditional treadmill can get boring.
That is why I think group classes are the absolute best to try to figure out what you like. Cycling is great for every inch of the body because you need all muscle groups to work the bike. Soul Cycle is a game changer and will have you completely obsessed within the first 20 minutes of riding. They truly mean it when they say this studio is good for the mind, body and soul.